Friday, April 20, 2012

Reflection #12

This week’s class was online instead of an actual meeting, and the topic was performance-based assessments.  This is when the teacher plans for an assessment based on how he or she believes the student best is able to learn.  This week’s online designation was so useful because I was able to meet with my group and work on our Unit Planner.  We did our unit planner on slavery, and we refreshed our memory with many new interesting facts that we had forgotten about.  Our group worked well together, and I enjoyed the activity.  I believe that this class has been very helpful because it has forced me to think outside of the box and the normal scope of teaching.  I enjoyed learning about talents, and I plan to use them in my future career as an educator.  In regards to the class, I really enjoyed the hybrid model.  It provided an opportunity for self-study and a break from physical meetings.  I would like to see this incorporated more into the other classes here at the university.  I think this class had many great points of discussion such as the charter school Socratic circle. I plan to use the Socratic circle idea with my own class.

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