Sunday, February 19, 2012

Discussion #3

Part 1-

"The Irish Cinderlad!"

Three Questions-
1. Compare and contrast "The Irish Cinderlad" with the original Cinderella story.
2. What role did Becan play in the story?
3. What events may have happened if the story had continued?

Part 2-

In collaboration with several other group members, I will be creating a lesson that compares the rights of individuals in the past with individuals of the present. I am very excited about this project because I LOVE history and all its concepts. As far as the Bloom's taxonomy we are covering factual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and conceptual knowledge. The factual knowledge will be covered by teaching students past events such as WWI and WWII, the Civil War, and the Revolutionary War. I believe these are all important because American's would not have the rights that we have today without them! Next, procedural knowledge will be taught by studying government and economics. These two subjects teach students about cause and effect. For example, "If I run a red light, then I will get a ticket!" This teaches students about the procedure of an action. Finally, the conceptual knowledge will be covered by reminding students just how far we have come since the past. I think this will be a wonderful assignment that I will enjoy completing! I will actually use these lessons in my own classroom because I think they will be very beneficial. Often I find that students are not motivated about learning history or even why history is important. It is my mission to change that!

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